this is work in progress or homilies or miscellaneous items
that don't warrant a page by themselves
or seem to fit better here
pending poems index
chronological order is from the bottom to the top of the page
audio files can be complemented by listening to them with the eyes closed
the repeatings on these pages of mine should be like a
weaving in an escher print
these repeatings should be like a
weaving in an escher print !
these repeatings should be like a
weaving in an escher print !
these repeatings should be like a weaving in an escher print !
these repeatings should be like a weaving in an escher print !
these repeatings should be like a weaving in an escher print !
these repeatings should be like a weaving in an escher print
you are not going to understand futility by being a philanthropist !
or maybe you will !
. .
you are not going to understand futility by being a philanthropist !
or maybe you will !
. .
you are not going to understand futility by being a philanthropist !
or maybe you will !
: o )(
you are not going to understand futility by being a philanthropist !
or maybe you will !
you are not going to understand futility by being a philanthropist !
you are not going to understand futility by being a philanthropist
the years pass quickly and how have you spent them ?
that's what i ask myself !
the mistakes loom large in hindsight !
the years pass quickly and how have you spent them ?
that's what i ask myself !
the mistakes loom large in hindsight !
the years pass quickly and how have you spent them ?
that's what i ask myself !
the mistakes loom large in hindsight !
the years pass quickly and how have you spent them ? that's what i ask myself !
the mistakes loom large in hindsight !
the years pass quickly and how have you spent them ? that's what i ask myself !
the mistakes loom large in hindsight !
the years pass quickly and how have you spent them ? that's what i ask myself !
the mistakes loom large in hindsight !
sometimes i feel i have never matured b e y o n d b e i n g a c h i l d w i t h m i g r a i n e !
will !
: o ( )
sometimes i feel i have never matured b e y o n d b e i n g a c h i l d w i t h m i g r a i n e !
will !
: o ( )
sometimes i feel i have never matured beyond being a child w i t h m i g r a i n e !
will !
: o ( )
sometimes i feel i have never matured beyond being a child with migraine !
will !
sometimes i feel i have never matured beyond being a child with migraine !
will !
sometimes i feel i have never matured beyond being a child with migraine !
sometimes i feel i have never evolved beyond being a child with migraine !
the sadness of the stupidity o f m y l i f e !
the sadness of the stupidity o f m y l i f e !
the sadness of the stupidity o f m y l i f e !
the sadness of the stupidity o f m y l i f e !
the sadness of the stupidity o f m y l i f e !
the sadness of the stupidity o f m y l i f e ! : o (
the sadness of the stupidity o f m y l i f e ! :o(
the sadness of the stupidity of my life ! :o(
brad, i don't know how to break it to you ! ?
you are not enlightened
y o u a r e s t u c k i n s o m e t o x i c d r ea m ! : o(
brad, i don't know how to break it to you ! ?
you are not enlightened
y o u a r e s t u c k i n a t o x i c d r ea m ! : o(
migraine fucks your opinion of life !
migraine fucks your opinion of life !
migraine fucks your opinion of life !
. .
migraine fucks your opinion of life !
: o ( )
migraine fucks your opinion of life !
:o ) . . (
migraine fucks your opinion of life !
:o )
migraine fucks your opinion of life !
i think the problem with the internet is there is so much good material and useful involvement that you are always forced to winnow or end up “ three sheets to the wind ’ with the surfeit ! :o)
i think the problem with the internet is there is so much good material and useful involvement that you are forced to winnow or end up “ three sheets to the wind ’ with the surfeit ! :o)
i think the problem with the internet is there is so much good material that you are forced to winnow or end up “ three sheets to the wind ’ with the surfeit ! :o)
“ ultimately, the gate is through meaninglessness, not through meaning ”
meaninglessness opens the gate, but entry is walking through the meaning of it !
I think the problem of most of us on the inter net is to winnow the useful from the not so useful to free up the necessary time for the real world
my question to bishop berkeley is “ what is mind ? ”
my question to bishop berkeley is “ what is mind ? ”
religion basically argues that the the abatement of self is the face of god !
it uses that then as a thread to tie a lot of the most arrant bullshit together !
religion basically argues that the the abatement of self is the face of god !
it uses then that as a thread to tie a lot of the most arrant bullshit together !
religion basically argues that the the abatement of self is the face of god !
it uses that as a thread to tie a lot of the most arrant bullshit together !
religion basically argues that the the abatement of self is the face of god !
religion argues the the abatement of self is the face of god !
the abatement of self is the face of god !
sepehr g. asks
were hsu
yun ,
seongcheol, kodo sawaki, or any other teachers of the 21st century enlightened ?
thanks, I want to know for future reference
none of them were enlightened, though there may be a partial understanding
sawaki was good on the ‘ wisdom ” side but was missing something . .
as far as i can see there's a good possibility he was working for the secret police in world war II, i'm not being judgmental, but it just indicates how uneven things are once you derate/step out of the hagiography !
that's why his so called claimed lineage descendents like gudo nishijima and brad warner who also have some understanding are still missing the ‘ essential understanding ’ !
historically it's very rare over a thousand years of active ch'an activity there's only about 10 or so truely enlightened masters !
in recent times toni packer and possibly george bowman were/are enlightened, george seems to be a mixed bag i think due to his health and various affairs holding him back . .
joko beck is a mixed bag, half schizophrenic / half sensible . .
sepehr g. writes /says
I guess I oscillate too much
I won't do it anymore
the way I make progress is like troughs and peaks, and eventually it starts stabilizing with no more troughs or peaks, just steady progress
I apologize and you made a good point
there is no ‘ I ’ ,
there is just oscillation and stability
the oscillation never gets any less, but long term some stability of what happens/what the story is forms a solid base that there is no real questioning of a n y m o r e ! . ! : o)(
nan huai chin wasn't enlightened and had a son at least (who is
suing the publisher of his father's books ) and fits squarely with suburban zen !
yeah they are very quiet about it, he was family man and may have other children as well !
kusan sumin was enlightened . . nan huai was not . .
recursion is every where, what makes for enlightenment is to penetrate recursion in a meaningful way
you lack an open mind . .
you are still telling me how to do things and how it is ! . .
you need to be focused on top quality understanding and leave the mediocre and pay attention to improving your sleep with diet and supplements
instead you just
meander through what is not junk, but not top notch enough . .
throw the “collective” the bird ( advice which zakaj would be advised to take as well with his buddhist and christian empire building ! )
to know wether someone is enlightened or not you need to have had the dai kensho experience then add thirty years to work it out . . .
actually you don't need the thirty years but that's what it takes to get surety ! :o)
you are like ewk and reddit zen, you just don't accept there is any valid thing !
and actually it's not one dia kensho but a series and progression of understanding !
nan huai chin wasn't enlightened and had a son at least ( who is
suing the publisher of his father's books ) and fits squarely with suburban zen !
looks quite Siberian
! :o)
sepehr, despite all your
time here in discussion with me, you don't take what I say seriously, just glide over my posts and impose your own view and proselytize me !
what can I do about that ?
look at the videos in the
original post these comments spawn off !
you are in the wrong space to make sense of your concerns which in themselves are just voynich
you a r e f r e e t o w a s t e y o u r t i m e !
I came to zen from Emily Dickinson and the
dream of red mansions
and thanx to this knowledge I have been able to make sense of zen as an authentic celibate tradition wherein its greats like joshu knew what they were talking about !
people like red pine are not those greats and you are looking more as most do with zen, through a constant filter of distortion !
you are attacking the distortion and coming to grief !
“ the collapse of the wave function ” is, in broader philosophical terms “ recursion ” ,
handling recursion and making meaning out of meaninglessness is where it begins and ends !
there's very little in zen that is not bedeviled by this “ distortion ” problem, look at the mad jackasses/jackanapes on reddit zen to see where this leads you !
the burning house was an important motif for andrei tarkovsky, it's the flame and fire that destroys everything, this is an unfortunate paradigm . .
i think you are too ambitious, chasing non existant conclusions before you are ready or the real ground work has been done !
it's a lifetime process, you have to let things fall into place abit !
fish/krill oil and vitamin d are also anti-inflammatory and may well work in this siutation, that is after the virus has been defeated but the immune system is still
firing on its own side !
poor air quality increases suicide risk !
sepehr asks
andrew, i need a serious question answered. all of zen/ch'an hinges on this question
you didn't put much thought into it before, but now, I want you to seriously consider it
does the mind emerge from brain activity or is there an undifferentiated awareness (i.e., non-abiding awareness or one mind) that our brains differentiate and reflect it into self-consciousness ?
i've been reading about how consciousness may be involved in the collapse of the wave function :
( David Chalmer argues the possibility of consciousness being involved in the
collapse of the wave function in quantum physics )
( this
article argues how wave function is ontologically real )
there were many physicists like erwin schroedinger and mac planck . . . and plenty of others that believe pure consciousness to be fundamental and universal in the world.
when I write, I don't let what I write be shackled by some conceptual superstructure and what emerges is that a collapse of wave function ! ?
is what I write emergent infinity ?
is “consciousness” the inclusion or exclusion of emergent infinity ?
maybe all religion is collapsing, being displaced by drugs, music, poor population health and you tube ! : o)
recursive iteratism
fractal reality
there is no ground upon which we stand !
: o )(
recursive iteratism
fractal reality
there is no ground upon which we stand !
: o ( )
recursive iteratism
fractal reality
there is no ground upon which we stand !
recursive iteratism
fractal reality
there is no ground upon which we stand
recursive iteratism
fractal reality
stand !
zakaj writes
isn't it ironic that he
talks of mental problems?
I think ewk is the prime example of a troubled mind!
thanx for pointing that post of ewk's out !
the trouble is and they really don't like it which is why they remember me is that I have them caught in a cleft stick, anything they do to promote themselves and zen always places them as effectively working for me, being the 7th patriarch and they can't escape it ! :o)
I have always found reddit zen instructive when I was posting and still read it, but things change and I am better not posting now ! :o)
I don't think ewk has a “ troubled mind ” ,
in fact he's not troubled enough when he should be !
despite his criticism of me I notice he uses some of my content, plagiarism for his own use which is another reason I stopped posting !
he is the son of two therapists, a recipe for schizophrenia for sure !
sepehr recalls
I've actually sat in brad warner's car, and spoke a little bit about meister eckhart, and went out to eat pizza with him and my sangha at a mellow mushroom
that was a very long time ago though
I think he was seeing a new woman too.
zakaj replies
sepehr : it's not exactly brad pitt, but it still counts as a celeb encounter ! :)
zakaj, as I was lying in bed this morning I was trying to think of a zen or similar teacher who had done well out of it, but really I can't think of one who it wasn't a disaster for !
I have followed brad warner for awhile on the web, trying to work out what is really happening for him, one thing he disguises is the extent to which he “self funds” ,
that is he was a quite a successful businessman while working for tsuburaya productions and between the money he was able to put aside from that and possibly the royalties from a couple of his early books (though he seems to be dissing of royalty income !) he is able to support the phoney dream of being a suburban zen master despite his almost wholesale rejection by those meiji zen turds claiming transmission from tainted japanese lineages ! ! :o)
anyway I am just commenting on this almost universal disaster of zen involvement and being a teacher one spills one's time, attention into a bottomless pit of f u c k i n g b l o o d y a r s e h o l e s !
t h a t ' s t h e l e s s o n o f r e d d i t Z e n , j u s t a b u n c h o f r e a l l y m a l i g n a r s e h o l e s ,
n o t w o r t h t h e t i m e t o t a l k t o !
jason dafonte writes
i am working at a pizza place right now actually.
sort of sucks cuz they provide me lunch, but I don't want to eat pizza at all.
there seems to be a universal health problem for those who eat food they cook for the public !
re fast food certainly, eg macdonalds, staff who live off the company food get caught in a health and cognitive dysfunction trap !
one of the few healthy top cooks in france never eats his own food, only what his wife cooks for him !
which of these is true ?
II excerpt, looking for full version
after you have been around zen for a while you realize that people sitting full or half lotus get hip and knee damage, seiza or kneeling with a cushion upright under the bum is best, but really there is nothing wrong with sitting in a chair or walking around a room !
jason dafonte writes
when i was at tassajara, i was running out of things to read and i heard about a rule book, or pamphlet, that was around and i wanted to read it !
and of all people brad warner had it. some people mentioned brad warner to me about how he was a big writer and blah blah . . first time i looked at him i knew he was autistic or something.
anyway, when i asked him for it he was surprised for some reason ? sort of taken aback, i guess most people didn't approach him the way i did, which was “ who are you ? ”. didn't really see him as anything special . .
took him a week to finally give it to me and that was after searching all over to finally find him in the library .
“ after searching all over to finally find him in the library ”
yeah , H Y P E R L E X I C ! : o )
what I have noticed myself about these people who supposedly have some super aura or something is they just seem ordinary people to me or some sort of idiot . .
one of the very few people with a
genuine aura I have ever come across was john loori and he was quite crazy in some respects which has made me very wary of people like this ! :o)
brad is stuck in some sort of illusion of nostalgia and zen, and is actually self funding . .
why he would go to tassajara to line the coffers of the san francisco zen center by working those long hours unpaid there I don't know
very unhealthy for him as they are sort of rejecting him by not having him teach while resident there, they are just rejecting him and he is one of the better teachers, way ahead of anything that the crap artists of the san francisco zen center can produce ! :o)(
that was a very good post you wrote btw ! :o)
“ the distinction, when made, hinges on whether the abbreviation is pronounced as a word or as a string of individual letters ”
I didn't know an abbreviation from an acronym from an initialization, posting it up is a way of processing that for me ! :o)
“ the distinction, when made, hinges on whether the abbreviation is pronounced as a word or as a string of individual letters ”
a good video of Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn as a
writer and his life . . .
i was looking at some wheeling sparrow hawks, high up against a cloudy sky of a front coming over, rainless, a summer drought . .
the vast sky and yet all they could do is interfere with each other . .
squawking, wheeling into each others flight paths, two higher up, another quite low
s q u a w k i n g as it flew straight on . . ! . . .
i was looking at some wheeling sparrow hawks, high up against a cloudy sky of a front coming over, rainless, a summer drought . .
the vast sky and yet all they could do is interfere with each other . .
i must be learning something, i heard a car door shut/slam up on the road and looked out the window, those very well dressed and groomed jehovah's witnesses preparing to “save” me
i normally introduce them to the notion of jesus not being an historical person or some such with an emotionally variable o u t c o m e ! :o )
they upset or i upset or we all u p s e t ! : o ) !
but the time before the rather diminutive woman proselytizer gave me some rotovirus or gut bug . .
this time seeing them coming i j u s t leaned out the door and shouted across before they got too close that ‘ i'm not interested ’ and volunteered that my neighbour wasn't in and since it was a nice spot up here, i hoped they enjoyed the drive, the proselytizer ( a man !) was somewhat taken aback or nonplussed, said something i can't remember and walked away . .
oddly i know the books and their positions quite well in those shelves, not from reading them but looking at them standing there unchanged in position over many years in those shelves !
oddly i know the books and their positions quite well in those shelves, not from reading them but looking at them standing there unchanged in position over many years !
oddly i know the books and their positions quite well in those shelves, not from reading them but looking at them standing there unchanged in position over many years in the shelves !
“ If you had to
marry the first person you had sex with, what would your life be like now ?
Probably pretty shitty since and i mean this in the worst possible way, but she is legitimately and genuinely a terrible fucking person
She moves cross country to live and be with “Jeremy” (not me) a few months later makes an online dating profile and sends me a message in mid January, a few days later we're on our first date and things are amazing. Forward a few more days and we hook up for the first time. Things are great for a few weeks then I get a red flag, she invites me to her place for the first time, I'm excited to see her place as I'd never been to a girlfriends house with just the two of us. I learn it's not just her but she has a male “roommate” < insert
Biz-marque here >. Day comes around I'm just getting ready to go and she texts saying her roomie didn't go to work today so i can't go there she'll just come to me. Meh i still get to see her so at the time no big deal
Fast forward to March it's a day before my birthday and we had made plans before hand , again super excited this is the first year i've had a serious girlfriend on my birthday. Wrong. She's acting all distant in texts, but she still shows up the night before. Mid conversation I catch her in an obvious lie nothing serious just something along the lines of saying she doesn't like something she's told me before she likes, i exclaim in a joking manner “You're full of shit!” . Here i receive the most ludicrous death stare of my life and she storms off into the night. I chased her barefoot for 2 blocks before she just tells me to go home, that it's over. It's 12:04. My birthday
She broke up with me on my birthday. It hits me way harder than it had any right to, i don't eat or sleep for 3 days and by the time it's the night before i'm supposed to go to work i'm obviously in no condition to be working at a petro handling the hundreds of dollars truckers are buying in gas. Phone up my boss saying i can't come in and she says they have no one to cover my shift if i'm not in i lose my job. So i lose my job, my girlfriend and the loving doublewide vanilla/marble chocolate cake my grandmother made for my birthday all in the span of 4-5 days around my 19th birthday
This is not even the worst of it. But i'm sure no one cares to hear the rest of our sordid affair ”
Albert Camus had
autistic traits and was on autistic spectrum !
why not read some quotes of his in this
link ?
it's a small minded world and you don't have to be part of it !
Albert Camus had
autistic traits and was on autistic spectrum !
why not read some quotes of his in this
link ?
it's a small minded world and you don't have to be part of it !
Albert Camus had
autistic traits and was on autistic spectrum !
why not read some quotes of his in this
link ?
it's a small minded world and you don't have to be part of it !
i am exhausted from living !
. .
i am exhausted from living !
. .
i am exhausted from living !
. .
i am exhausted from living !
. .
i am exhausted from living !
. .
i am exhausted from living !
i am exhausted from living
xyz writes
Andrew, in that moment before falling asleep, or just after waking up, but not yet waking up, - there's a strange in-between zone, when it's possible to disembody and float outside of this body
is this familiar to you?
something is happening to me, little breakthroughs i think
i'm not worried about my life, i realized 100% that i can't have a normal life, it's just not for me
i won't have children
my wife is a special kind of person, she doesn't seem to mind all this, at all
she's just focused on the small pleasures of life and living them peacefully
yeah, I think the “ hypnagogic zone ” integrates with waking “ work ” so you get some sort of unity of inquiry between the hypnagogic and waking and even occasionally dreams in sleep !
sepehr g. writes
I had a weird experience last night. I was very depressed after realizing I could never have certainty with anything life: primordial awareness without subject/object division, God, Buddha, Infinity, it doesn't matter. Once you start using it as a crutch, it becomes an impediment of some sort...
I realized this and for once I said something deeply I knew to be absolute: I am all alone in life. I start at my hand and it looked like it wasn't my own. It looked holographic and the space between it seemed infinite. I can't explain it, but I came to that profound realization...
I've been starting to feel like that lately. I am all alone... no one sees me the way I see myself, and the same applies for practically everything. There is indeed a kind of solipsistic aspect in life.
When people mock you, sometimes there is a dreamy surreal atmosphere. Like, it's just you feeling mocked and there is no mocker, since what they are mocking is not you... since you're absolutely alone.
It's just best to get used to it... and realize there is something ineffable in solitude... where you can't cling onto what gives you comfort. The comfort has to come from being content not with a belief system, but with ... something I'm not sure of yet
I live by myself and while you can't sorta see it, overall I would say there is something to solitude !
sepehr g. replies
yeah, you're right
it makes sense to speak poetically about one's own experiences than babble about the concepts of another
it's the problem of the non-duality crowd.
I do think solitude and aloneness point to something non-dual, but poetic language can point to it unlike terse philosophical exposition and quoting the words of others as a source of authority
it's what we hold on to but shouldn't that defines us
Jason, the problem is there is no fixed ground of shouldn't, as usual you just rest in idiot nonsense that they spew on on reddit zen, puffed up frauds who never done any real zen in their life except that walking in the wrong direction they call buji zen or ‘practice”
zen is full of people with bordeline personality disorder, a fundamentally wrong perception about personal insufficiences !
. .
zen is full of people with bordeline personality disorder, a fundamentally wrong perception about personal insufficiences !
zen is full of people with bordeline personality disorder, a fundamentally wrong perception about personal insufficiences !
‘ antibiotics that target mitochondria
effectively eradicate cancer stem cells, across multiple tumor types : treating cancer like an infectious disease ’
the downside of antibiotics, they destroy the
intestinal epithelium !
you are probably somewhat
on autistic spectrum and there's a host of metabolic issues that goes with that !
‘ autistic spectrum ’ means having some autistic traits, but not actually being autistic !
to make progress with health and other issues, realism is necessary !
do you notice that you are handling this in a hubric and socially unskilled way ?
you are used to people running around after you ?
you have borderline personality traits ? !
you are probably somewhat on autistic spectrum and there's a host of metabolic issues that goes with that !
‘ autistic spectrum ’ means having some autistic traits, but not actually being autistic !
to make progress with health and other issues, realism is necessary !
do you notice that you are handling this in a hubric and unsocially skilled way ?
you are probably somewhat on autistic spectrum and there's a host of metabolic issues that goes with that !
‘ autistic spectrum ’ means having some autistic traits, but not actually being autistic !
to make progress with health and other issues, realism is necessary !
the sequence below is unending and perhaps intended to tire you, is it unending, even though it ends ?
the sequence below is unending and perhaps intended to tire you, is it unending ?
the sequence below is unending and perhaps intended to tire you, what is unending ?
the sequence below is unending and perhaps intended to tire you, what does unending mean ?
the sequence below is unending even though it ends, what does unending mean ?
what is the limit of explanations ? !
what is the explanation of limits ?
what is the limit of explanations ? !
what is the explanation of limits ?
what is the limit of explanations ? !
what is the explanation of limits ?
what is the limit of explanations ? !
what is the explanation of limits ?
what is the limit of explanations ? !
what is the explanation of limits ?
what is the limit of explanations ? !
what is the explanation of limits ?
what is the limit of explanations ? !
what is the explanation of limits ?
what is the limit of explanations ? !
what is the explanation of limits ?
what is the limit of explanations ? !
what is the explanation of limits ?
what is the limit of explanations ? !
what is the explanation of limits ?
what is the limit of explanations ?
what is the explanation of limits ?
what is the limit of explanations ?
what is the explanation of limits ?
what is the limit of explanations ?
what is the explanation of limits ?
what is the limit of explanations
what is the explanation of limits
what is the limit of explanations ? !
what is the limit of explanations ? !
what is the limit of explanations ? !
what is the limit of explanations ? !
what is the limit of explanations ? !
what is the limit of explanations ? !
what is the limit of explanations ?
what is the limit of explanations
a good zen koan, number 8 of ‘ the recorded sayings of joshu ’ ,
all about what zennists never want to do since it is about effective and not pointless asceticism and going where you don't want to go !
when nansen was coming back to his room after taking a bath, he saw the monk in charge of the bath stoking the fires and asked ,
“ what are you doing ? ” the monk answered ,
“ stoking the fire ”
nansen said , “ don't forget to call the water buffalo in to have a bath ” the monk assented (agreed, accepted)
the next evening the monk came into nansen's room
nansen asked , “ what are you doing ? ”
the monk said , “ asking the water buffalo to come to the bath ”
nansen said , “ did you bring a lead rope or not ? ” the monk could not respond
when joshu came to call on nansen, nansen told him what happened
joshu said ,
“ i would have had something to say ”
nansen said ,
“ well, have you brought a rope with you ? ”
joshu came forward, grabbed him by the nose, and began pulling him to the bath house
nansen said “ okay ! okay ! beast ! ”
to creationists, neocreationists, biblical apologists and claimants of the historical realities of jesus, muhammad and buddha :
surely god is about truth and not man made lies ?
to creationists, neocreationists and biblical apologists :
surely god is about truth and not man made lies ?
to creationists an neocreationists :
surely god is about truth and not man made lies ?
to creationists :
surely god is about truth and not man made lies ?
why is it important ?
well intel have now placed these on their cpu dies, when you get a motherboard, make sure you don't get one with a three phase cpu power supply, 4 phase will reduce the heat and improve the reliability/stablity !
only a complete fool tries to correct the world !
why do i try to correct the world ?
. .
only a complete fool tries to correct the world !
why do i try to correct the world ?
. .
only a complete fool tries to correct the world !
why do i try to correct the world ?
. .
only a complete fool tries to correct the world !
why do i try to correct the world ?
. .
only a complete fool tries to correct the world !
why do i try to correct the world ?
only a complete fool tries to correct the world !
the world ?
only a complete fool tries to correct the world !
only a complete fool tries to correct the world !
only a complete fool tries to correct the world
lack of censorship deconstructs. . . !
maybe he's worried about Richard carrier !
he's not a fool and can see the catholic church with its doctrinal nonsense can't survive in today's uncensored world !
islam is also a house of cards that is flying
a p a r t . ! . !
‘ luxenberg also
argues that the qur'an is based on earlier texts, namely syriac lectionaries used in the christian churches of syria, and that it was the work of several generations who adapted these texts into the qur'an we know today ’
lack of censorship deconstructs. . . !
sepehr ,
yeah ‘ jean de florette ’ and ‘ manon of the spring ’ are great films !
I don't think you are getting the supplements right, there's always a lot of ongoing work sorting them out !
I agree, once you get into quality art/literature/mysticism, everything else loses interest. . .
I was rather shocked to read up on joshu a bit, starving in old age and living in an abandoned temple in a hostile small town, makes you realize how hagiographical most of zen is and the level of bullshit about how things are, arseholes like themselves are the ones who left joshu to starve ! ..
one of the quotes in his records is some-one making an explicit criticism of joshu not preparing for old age ! ..
what fits your talents, real estate?, you never know ! :o)(
how to
post on reddit zen
quote something from the masters, the more voynichy the better ! :o)
then comment in such a way saying you really understand the deep truth embedded in what appears waste of time nonsense !
to do this what you say depends on what camp you are in
say it's meaningless but really there is a secret meaning that you understand (buji)
say it's meaningful and then embarass your mother with a heap of bullshit nonsense (conventional suburban zen)
say it's meaningful only if you bow and scrap and repeat ten buddhist sutras (the liturgical/sutra twits camp) tho no-one ever seems to actually do liturgical stuff !
the problem is that if you quote half arsed bullshit then just ponce and prim around it . .
well they are better left there in their bizarre self imposed quarantine to leave more useful personal realities untarnished with their coprophagia !
. .
you know what is
amazing ,
she has a sense of humour about her condition, that's one thing i notice about the net and reddit zen, humourless anal arseholes !
and i like her singing, she is identity with it !
trust the morons with all their endless fake shit to get upset !
xyz writes
right now I have to go back to school and get another B.S. in computer science
there are no jobs for a neuroscience degree, really
you can download a compiler for programs like c/c++ off the web and teach yourself programming in a month
you have a limited time window to pick up this skill since you are getting older
why not look at what programing is done at work and aim to get involved in that ?
with rl programing experience under your belt you don't need a degree !
zakaj replies informatively
there are also websites that teach you programming step-by-step, they basically take you by the hand with simple tutorials, and give you tasks “ make X program that will do Y ”
it's never been easier to learn than it is today
I tried it many times though and never did learn, I think it's not for me
but what andrew says is true : if you create a portfolio online with a few open source projects of your own, you can get hired even without a degree
my brother got a good programming job before he got his CS degree, and then focused on the job for 7 years without getting the degree
he finally got the degree only when he changed jobs and had time to complete it
both my father and my brother are computer programmers and both of them tell me the skill consists mostly in “ googling questions and finding answers ”
most of problems have already been solved by others
a lot of programming nowadays consists of copy/pasting code from other people, and tweaking it a little to serve your own purpose
the most important thing is to not focus on “ learning to code ” but instead on “ learning to solve real-life problems USING code ”
have you taken a look at ruby (and rails) ?
it's very intuitive and elegant
similar to python, it's made in japan
i like the code more than python's
chris kyle's ,
“ american sniper ” life was too inconsistent, shooting men for a job really and trying to save /remedy the lives of others
it's too big a gap and he fell into the hole finally didn't he ! :o)(
at the beginning of a paramount film (now owned by viacom) you see a nice
picture [0:19] of a mountain, it's actually a real mountain in utah
if you go back to beginning of something you see the end
at the beginning of a paramount film (now owned by viacom) you see a nice
picture [
0:19 ] of a mountain, it's actually a real mountain in utah
if you go back to beginning of something you see the end
i quite liked this
clip/ short !
at the beginning of a paramount film (now owned by viacom) you see a nice
picture [0:19] of a mountain, it's actually a real mountain in utah
if you go back to beginning of something you see the end
ultimately, saṃsāra is a pile of shit and tedious inevitabilities; conditions can never be perfect !
zakaj writes
I think the danger is that one can procrastinate eternally by waiting for the perfect combination of conditions : adequate income, eminent habitat, a Zen-like garden, stars aligned, moon in the 12th house, properly aligned furniture (feng shui) , dogs & cats well fed and healthy, wife content, etc.
yeah, i used to think like that, what i learned is when you actually do it, you don't actually think “ about it ’ too much, you are just working through /the endless grief and sometimes you get tired of it and it all becomes too much like reddit zen and myself ! :o)(
so i would say that doing something needs to be worthwhile and interesting for you and when the interest partly fails then the ‘ being worthwhile ” comes to the fore enough to sustain through the difficult patches !
tho in the end i am not sure what is worthwhile ?
“ why talk about your job when you can simply do it ”
why write about talking about not doing your job when you can simply not write about it and do it! :o)
“ why talk about your job when you can simply do it ”
why write about talking about not doing your job when you can simply not write about it and not do it! :o)
“ why talk about
your job when you can simply do it ”
why write about talking about not doing your job when you can simply not write about it ! :o)
“ why talk about your job when you can simply do it ”
why write about talking about your job when you can simply not write about it ! :o)
if you make a mistake, the least you can do is learn from it !
it's when you can't learn . .
if you make a mistake, the least you can do is learn from it !
if you make a mistake, the least you can do is learn from it !
if you make a mistake, the least you can do is learn from it !
if you make a mistake, the least you can do is learn from it ! :o)(
if you make a mistake, the least you can do is learn from it !
if you make a mistake, the least you can do is learn from it
how is this
film like reddit zen ?
F I G H T I N G F O R N O U S E !
a cause is a cause of a cause and an effect is an effect of an effect ! :o)
a cause is a cause of a cause and an effect is an effect of an effect !
a cause is a cause of a cause and an effect is an effect of an effect
a cause is a cause and an effect is an effect of an effect ! : o )
a cause is a cause and an effect is an effect of an effect ! : o)
a cause is a cause and an effect is an effect of an effect ! :o)
a cause is a cause and an effect is an effect of an effect ! :o)
a cause is a cause and an effect is an effect of an effect !
a cause is a cause and an effect is an effect of an effect
a cause is a cause and an effect is an effect ! : o )
a cause is a cause and an effect is an effect ! :o )
a cause is a cause and an effect is an effect ! : o)
a cause is a cause and an effect is an effect ! :o)
a cause is a cause and an effect is an effect ! :o)
a cause is a cause and an effect is an effect ! :o)
a cause is a cause and an effect is an effect !
a cause is a cause and an effect is an effect !
a cause is a cause and an effect is an effect
zakaj writes
as a reddit zen phenomenon; the reactions it triggered
but the guy seems more genuine than most; it sounds like a mini-kensho
what's your take on it ?
he's just another hubric fake ! brain drug fucked like most of reddit zen !
what happens is the mini vision opens up and it's literally “ the third place ”
and in the end it's just that sense of the falling snowflakes
the hard thing is to trust one's own experience as valid and not be put off by the endless bullshit like that fake post by snbeings who are just a nasty form of hubric schizophrenia !
muho of antai-ji too, but this is always the way it is . .
you are not
anything ,
if you think you think you are a a “japanese monk” you have problems and are taking an identity from a M A S K !
but we know you have problems don't you ! :o)(
what wrong with being a nun ?
this is the whole problem with this meiji zen you have got caught up in, just a badly disguised ‘wife and children” dream ,
a toxic artifact of the manic nationalism of the meiji era that didn't get wiped out with hiroshima/the loss/end of ww2
a denuded corpse the writhing maggots still feed on and call it genuine ! :o(
my life is so many things i have to go through to discover they are wrong and in that sense i can't criticize some of what others do !
really when i look at the vast screw-ups of what i have done . . : o()
mesmerizing ! :o)
composed and played for
trossingen lyre by vicente la camera mariño
the one thing I have really learnt about zen and it's the most frightening in these last years on the net is most people who go on to teach are stoney broke and in poor health . . ! :o(
to work free for board at zen/ ‘spiritual’ centers ,
they are looking for someone who is sane, can get along in a community and can do the large amounts of physical work that needs to be done ,
it is you who are doing them the favour and not vice versa !
to work free for board at zen centers they are looking for someone who is sane, can get along in a community and can do the large amounts of physical work that needs to be done, it is you who are doing them the favour and not vice versa !
jason writes
i'm making less than minimum wage, 8 dollars an hour, working 9 hours a day
I really want to continue playing Shakuhachi, i'm making a lot of progress and my teachers say it themselves ! but it's 50/hr plus the $20 train ride
and i really want to continue taking the supplements . . houstons and the blackmores are pretty expensive but my health is worth it
just complaining !
you are investing your time in a mechanical skill that takes a lifetime to develop and and is much better and easier done with computer software, that's an easy delete !
I was just advising a friend of mine not to waste her time learning the craft skill of shaped felting . .
t h e s e d r e a m s w e p u r s u e ! :o)
it's a lifetime's
work to get the manual dexterity !
kineya teruhisa's shamisen playing [6:15] is very compelling !
basically computer music software has replaced these archaic skills !
sepehr, imo the sort of lucid dreaming you do which is sort of visionary is a special talent, almost unique !
it comes from contact in ‘ the third place ’
however that doesn't mean there isn't a problem, death and the slow process of death and decay also comes from the ‘ third place ’ or is it just some parallel meaninglessness ?
without supplements and the bcd diet I would be dead at this point, lucid dreaming is also a failure for the brain to shut down “ properly ” for sleep, that is you are in the area of physical damage to it !
you have sorta got a certain level of understanding ,
but seem to not or be unable to move beyond it, sort of making a comfy place to lie down for your yourself, a literal “waiting at the end of time” which I have criticized zakaj for
if you won't go into supplements and diet then you won't escape the ‘waiting at the end of time” trajectory !
one thing zakaj has taught me is that “waiting at the end of time” doesn't work, something he also seems to have figured out since he says he is making some changes by getting some contemplative and retreat time in !
I mistakenly never had a criticism of “waiting at the end of time” since it seemed to me to be a valid way of passing the time in a very screwed up situation, but in fact it is flawed at its outset/onset, since that you could do such a negative empty thing only speaks of the loss of the contact with the ‘ third place ’ or infinity !
the human brain is very fragile and all we are is that brain ! :o ) (
the truth of the real zen is solipsistic ,
there's just you and the rest of the world can go to hell, you are proxying your movement into this with its opposite, a reliance and concern for others, which is in fact a false step, what you have got right is this proxying is into quality art and literature which actually creates or improves the foundation of the step rather than making the usual destructive mess of low quality reading, drugs and music that for instance seems to be the “ plat de tous les jours ” at reddit zen and the hardcore zen blog !
you have to do something to improve your sleep quality
lithium page offers some ideas, otherwise you will just slowly decline and spin into an unstable life which I think you are too fragile to withstand, the homeless are amongst other things ‘survivors’
the ones that don't survive we don't see do we ?
I have put a lot of time into writing this out for you, do me the courtesy of taking it seriously ! :o)(
nice but really what is wrong with well cooked vegetables ?
the human digestion is not designed to eat raw/undercooked the way that seems to be the current fad ! :o)(
composed by turlough o'carolan (1670 - 1738)
arranged and played on an early clàrsach by vicente la camera mariño
outstanding !
and very soothing ! :o)
god an old reddit zen
thread ,
deleted, more than they could handle, also kirkirus did a runner and deleted himself (later !) !
charles bukowski was right, what is interesting is the intensity and effort the morons put into their wrong minded lives and viewpoints
A R S E H O L E S ! :
o )
william yeats
and maud gonne !
with konrad marchaj leaving/being
pushed out of the zen monastery at mt. tremper you can see the raw underbelly/guts of its operation !
i have sorta searched and listened to the extent i can on the web and it looks to me like a number of factors have come to play, the principle one is that the monastery is simply not adapting to the new zen world brought on by the internet which is much more “ equivalent ” between religions and also literature in terms of mystical traditions and this in conjunction with the very negative publicity over the last decade about the strong zen establishment support and enabling of japan's role in its invasion of china,
korea and of fighting world war two makes the very japanese liturgy and “style” of mt. tremper a liability !
let's not talk about the “sex club” lineages either ! :o)
listening to recent interviews by konrad, he clearly argues for equivalence and broadness in approach, whereas shugen in his Q & A to the sangha says he is happy with the present way things are done and that as far as i can see is the end of the matter until things become dire enough that he will have to resign or be removed !
people get stuck in their crystalline phase of being and just cannot move on !
john loori did remove anyone who was capable of carrying the place on imo, he was man of contradictions !
i do think the monastery is under financial and personnel shortage stresses, and this is in large part is due to the huge explosion of competing ‘spiritual paths’ mainly non-duality/neoadvaita and anything schizophrenic actually !
another thing about mount tremper is the internal dynamic of the monks being in relationships is too powerful to be contained as konrad's affair shows, john took this suburban aspect of zen on board and it simply does not work, zen is a celibate tradition full stop, you can't do it otherwise !
i have put quite abit of research and thought into this, perhaps too much, but its been sort of interesting and slightly weird to watch the slow collapse of john's dream, but of course you can't expect things to go well when you kick the 7th
patriarch out !
actually it was abit like konrad, they wanted me gone and i wanted to go, no complaints really about the way i was treated there, just some profound difference of opinion that means one moves on i guess, if others won't see sense what can you do, reddit zen is good enough a brick wall to bloody one's head upon ! :o)
if anyone from the monastery wants to email me for suggestions they are welcome, but i know, they can't step up to what would help them, for a start konrad marchaj should be asked to come back and the monastery start to open up and move away from its anal japanese constrictions !
the way things are going shugen will take the monastery down with him, could be a long process but david miscavige certainly has done a brilliant job of destroying scientology !
there's a different paradigm and everything has changed and the seventh patriarch rules ! :o)
frightening thing about these jugs “ inanimate objects ” is that they don't age and we do :o(
the frightening thing about these jugs “ inanimate objects ” is that they don't age and we do :o(
onesubtlestep writes
my primary home is a cave in the desert canyon near moab, utah
the latest cave I've been staying in is maybe 5 feet wide and 5 feet tall inside and 15 feet back
it has a tear-drop shaped opening, part of a crevice in a cliff wall
I cover it with plastic in the winter & it stays fairly warm even without fire
but I built a little wood heating & cooking stove out of a large tin, with connected cans as a flue, which takes the smoke out a small hole conveniently above the entrance
just a couple small sticks will cook a meal & make the cave warm & toasty
the cave is very stealth, hard to find, & doesn't even look like a cave even when you're close by
the entrance is south-facing, high on a ledge, meaning it gets sun most days in the winter
I can sunbathe naked up there in the dead of winter while the temperatures are frigid in the canyon below as well as in town !
. . . good science is a process of openness and the effective aquisition of knowledge which includes wide reading and experimentation ! . .
I feel like the things you have posted just don't qualify as Good Science
. . . good science is a process of openness and the effective aquisition of knowledge which includes wide reading and experimentation ! . .
good science is a process of openness and the effective aquisition of knowledge which includes wide reading and experimentation ! . .
“ I think I might have narcolepsy ?
Essentially, I constantly fight falling asleep. I fell out of my chair at work today because I fell asleep. I'm a 22 year old female working a full time job. I sleep at least 9 hours a night (usually more) and find myself constantly exhausted
It's like I'm living with constant sleep deprivation despite sleeping normal amounts. I catch myself dozing off at work, driving, etc. far too often. Is there something other than narcolepsy that might be causing this ? ”
Narcolepsy is a primary disorder of alertness with an estimated prevalence of 0.03-0.05%
It may develop at any age but peak onset is in adolescence with a secondary peak in the fourth decade
The presenting symptom is usually excessive daytime sleepiness, with irresistible sleep attacks during the day
Other symptoms of this syndrome are cataplexy (brief episodes of muscle weakness or paralysis precipitated by strong emotion, such as laughter or surprise) ,
sleep paralysis, which is a symptom due to the persistence of rapid-eye-movement (REM) sleep atonia on waking, and hypnogogic hallucinations or dream-like images, which characteristically occur at sleep onset
Short periods of automatic behaviour may also occur, a reflection of brief intrusions
of sleep ( ‘micro-sleeps’ ) into the drowsy state ”
only a lunatic would enter a game of jumanji deliberately ! : o)
yet that is exactly what many people do !
. .
only a lunatic would enter a game of jumanji deliberately ! : o)
yet that is exactly what many people do !
. .
only a lunatic would enter a game of jumanji deliberately ! : o)
yet that is exactly what many people do ! : o )
only a lunatic would enter a game of jumanji deliberately ! : o)
yet that is exactly what many people do !
only a lunatic would enter a game of jumanji deliberately ! : o)
yet that is what many people do !
only a lunatic would enter a game of jumanji deliberately ! : o)
only a lunatic would enter a game of jumanji deliberately !
only a lunatic would enter a game of jumanji deliberately
there's heaps of work in recovering health, you can't just pop some toxic multivitamin and expect to get better ! : o )
there's heaps of work in recovering health, you can't just pop some toxic multivitamin and expect to get better ! :o)
there's heaps of work in recovering health, you can't just pop some toxic multivitamin and expect to get better ! :o)
the minerals in multivitamins are garden fertilizer, whereas we are designed to take them in as protein bound forms !
in short you are taking a disaster area !
most inorganic minerals are microbiome feeding and this makes multivits which contain them toxic !
do you have a life problem with distorting what is said to fit how you think things should be ?
do you a have a life problem with distorting what is said to fit how you think things should be ?
do you a have a life problem with distorting what is said to fit how you think things should be
an ssd for the os and a hard disk for less accessed files are the GO !
samsung ssd's are good !
diabetes is a sort of death sentence so if you think you have blood sugar problems then you need to give them that sort of urgency . .
vitamin E and mk-7 reduce the oxidative stress of high blood sugar, there's a lot you can do in terms of diet and supplements and in fact this should be your number one focus
zakaj writes
this one's very difficult ,
your poetry is like a portal to a “ third place ” to use that term I think I got from david lynch
far less advanced, but still triggering some minor mystical impulses are the videos by this
curious Swedish artist lady
lovely seascapes, I especially like those waves crashing ! :o)
there's something very different about the Swedish, odd nerdum for instance ! : o )(
yeah the “ third place ” is very akin to auden's ‘ as I walked out one evening ’ aka ‘ the land of the dead ” !
‘ the glacier knocks in the cupboard
the desert sighs in the bed
and the crack in the tea-cup opens
a lane to the land of the dead ’
reddit zen is all about hubric egoism, whereas what the real zen is about is the shedding of hubric egoism !
reddit zen is all about hubric egoism, whereas what the real zen is about is the shedding of hubric egoism
reddit zen is all about hubric egoism, whereas what zen is really about is the
shedding of hubric egoism !
reddit zen is all about hubric egoism, whereas zen is really about the shedding of hubric egoism !
reddit zen is all about hubric egoism, whereas zen is really about the shedding of hubric egoism
macular endema is very characteristic of diabetes !
people wear
copper bangles to help with joint issues and i think some copper is absorbed, i will rotate a copper bangle between my ankles and wrists when i go to bed to avoid nerve damage from wearing one too consistently in one spot, but i find that i need to supplement vitamin E doing this or i start to feel strung out !
this “ bangle copper ” seems to improve mood !
I don't drink any water coming through copper pipes the way things are set up where I live, so if you do then extra copper from a bangle may not be necessary !
however the compendium molybdenum and zinc supplementation really decrement copper so if you are doing that then plenty of copper is needed !
jason dafonte writes
when I used to play video games with my friends
, my username would be
funny that ,
wasn't aware of Zen much ,
but who knows !
I had so many vivid visions when I was a kid ,
too bad that bad health and pot have really fogged up my memory !
my reply
you know what frightens me, that I had been posting on reddit zen for a year before stopping posting ! :o)
basically I had something to learn and it's the same for everyone, you don't want to keep kicking yourself for it !
as you get the supplements and diet right you will enter a different space !
it does take work and a lot of sorting out though !
and then it all moves on you and you have to sort it out again ! :o)
a starlit night
across the paddock
no moon
beyond the lone gum
the sound of cattle
working a fence
a starlit night
across the paddock
no moon
beyond the lone gum
the sound of cattle
working a fence
a starlit night
no moon
across the paddock
beyond the lone gum
the sound of cattle
working a fence
a starlit night
across the paddock
no moon
beyond the lone gum
the sound of cattle
working the fences
a starlit night
across the paddock
no moon
beyond the gum tree
the sound of cattle
working the fences
a starlit night
no moon
across the paddock
beyond the gum tree
the sound of cattle
working the fences
a starlit night
across the paddock
no moon
beyond the gum tree
the sound of cattle
working the fences
starlit night
across the paddock
no moon
beyond the gum tree
the sound of cattle
working the fences
a starlit night
no moon
across the paddock
the sound of cattle
working the fences
a starlit night
no moon
across the paddock
the sound of cattle
working the fences
a starlit night
no moon
across the paddock
beyond the lone gum
the sound of cattle
working the fences
why you shouldn't stop smoking cold turkey !
the brain's
oxygen uptake and blood flow decreases by up to 17%
immediately after people stop smoking
you can do an amsler grid test over the internet to see what is happening in your central visual field
religious belief is always a cover for something, no-one actually believes in that stuff, even jehovah's witnesses ! :o)
so in your
view ,
lots of cell phone use is safe for pregnant women and no reason of course why a transmitting phone should be held right close to the fetus ?
and the more time close to a cell phone tower the better ?
why not answer my question, mr. ok with pregnant women holding transmitting cells phones close to the fetus !
just front up that's you think its ok, mr. 'call me a scientist!'
of course you could keep up with and read the research, but hey the opinions of an anonymous author on a goverment web site have to be true !
no matter what you do and for how long ,
it all folds to nothing !
no matter what you do and for how long, it all folds to nothing !
no matter what you do and for how long, it all folds to nothing !
no matter what you do and for how long, it all folds to nothing !
no matter what you do, it all folds to nothing ! :o)
no matter what you do and for how long, it all folds to nothing ! :o)
no matter what you do and for how long, it all folds to nothing ! : o)
no matter what you do, it all folds to nothing !
no matter what you do and for how long, it all folds to nothing !
no matter what you do, it all folds to nothing
no matter what you do and for how long, it all folds to nothing
xyz, because you are self medicating, drugs will be a life long koan for you, survivors are always moderate, even abstemious in use, you want to look at what you are self medicating for and keep in that window that the use is effective for . . !
with alcohol it's easy, a standard drink of red wine a day, less rather than more . .
red wine freezes very well and i add it to cooking, however most of my life i have teetotalled, in part i think because even small amounts make me an accident prone driver ! :o)
but basically i don't like the state of too much alcohol !
other drugs i am not familiar with unless you count fluoride and lithium ! :o) . .
whatever the claims, pot is in fact toxic to the brain, again amounts want to be minimized . .
of course i strongly promote intelligent supplementation and diet as the preferable alternative . .
but not everyone has that motivation ! :o)
memories, they sort of shrivel up into something rich and poor in the same way
memories, they collapse and shrivel up into something rich and poor in the same way
memories, they shrivel up into something rich and poor in the same way
what is life ? what am i doing ? where am i going ? what am i doing ? what is life ? ?
what is life what am i doing ? where am i going ? what am i doing ? ?
what is life
what is life what am i doing where am i going ? what am i doing ? ?
what is life what am i doing where am i going ? what am i doing ?
what is life what am i doing where am i going what am i doing ?
what is life what am i doing where am i going ?
what is life, what am i doing, where am i going, what am i doing
what is life what am i doing where am i going what am i doing
what is life, what am i doing, where am i going
what is life what am i doing where am i going
life is literally a l u c i d d r e a m ! :o)
life is literally a lucid dream ! :o)
life is literally a l u c i d d r e a m !
life is literally a lucid d r e a m !
life is literally a lucid dream !
life is literally a l u c i d d r e a m
life is literally a lucid d r e a m
life is literally a lucid dream
“ Eye issues the past couple of days.
A couple of days ago I felt like my vision was a bit blurry because my eyelashes were in the way so I pulled a few of them out.
The next morning I woke up and my eye was a bit crusty and I felt like something was stuck (like a lash or a bit of crust). I went back to bed and when I woke up it seemed fine but came back on and off throughout the day (mostly on). My eye was pretty red and so I tried washing it out in the shower but it didn't fix anything. That evening it was fine, though.
Today I woke up and it was a bit crusty and felt like something was in it like yesterday. Went back to bed, woke up and it was fine for like 6 or 7 hours. Still had a red eye. Now it feels like it something is in it again.
FWIW since I pulled the eyelashes I haven't had blurry vision.
I've had a stye before and this isn't it. I've also had pink eye in the past and had really itchy eyes but my eyes don't itch so much as it feels like something is stuck in there.
Is this just pink eye (perhaps viral instead of bacterial) or something else ? ”
I live out in the country and get this about once every two years, I figure it is bacterial because of the cattle close by
since I fixed a bad eye infection for a cat by dropping colloidal silver in it, I just eye wash in colloidal silver for myself several times when this happens, works really well !
more torres del
paine (towers of blue !) by a different photographer !
“ I'm a 16 year old male. why do I still cry when hurt/scared ?
as far as I know, only young children cry, except for emotional purposes, but I still have to fight back tears when I hurt myself (even a little bit) or when I'm in a situation that makes me nervous or scared
everyone else seemed to have outgrown this by the time they became a teenager, especially guys, so why do I still struggle with this? It's very frustrating and embarrassing
I already think I have some sort of mental illness, so if it could possibly be related to something like that, that's probably it
I should make it more clear what kind of crying I am talking about
for example, if I stub my toe, my eyes will well up with tears involuntarily, while someone else might just yell, "Ow!" and move on
the same thing happens when I conceive or imagine something disturbing or creepy
it also happens when I yawn, but I don't think that's related
it's something I cannot control and would rather not happen ”
it's a developmental issue, will be lifelong and possibly a trait related to being on autistic spectrum !
it's not an illness, just part of who you are . .
jason dafonte writes
one night, while at tassajara, I had a dream of a man that approached me
while I was doing cement work on a building
the dream was set in London area, and during the dream the man stepped off
one of those double decker red buses
he approached my from behind and pushes my pelvis forward and then my chest forward
I had been focusing on my posture a bunch, and when I tested out this new posture when I woke, it felt great!
I also felt that the dream was telling me to take things slower
“ I also felt that the dream was telling me to take things slower ”
or be careful of your back ?
women, don't be so arrogant, nature will at some point strip all comfort and strength from you ! :o)(
women, don't be so arrogant, nature will at some point strip all comfort and strength from you !
women, don't be so arrogant, nature will at some point strip all comfort and strength from you
“ I dreamed of an idyllic town where everyone cultivated the land and played chess ”
all history says “ Syria ! ”
“ I dreamed of an idyllic town where everyone cultivated the land and played chess ”
all history says “ Syria ! ”
“ I dreamed of an
idyllic town where everyone cultivated the land and played chess ”
all history says “ Syria ! ”
“ I dreamed of an idyllic town where everyone cultivated the land and played chess ”
all history says “ Syria ! ”
‘ the
should comes from the self and is a thing that only the self, the individual can decide ”
isn’t the “deciding” a “should” ?
what is “should” without “deciding” ?
lorianne, I don’t think you have
understood what i wrote and actually seung sahn would understand his not being sane . .
this is what I mean by suburban . . which of course is sane . . ! :o)
enlightenment of course is to be sane amongst the insanity that calls itself ‘sane’ ! :o)
when he said “ do it ” he meant don’t proxy onto others !
it is meaningless to try to convince anybody else of anything !
it's meaningless to try to convince anybody else of anything !
it is meaningless to try to convince anybody else of anything
it's meaningless to try to convince anybody else of anything
jason defont asks
if you're still thinking couples and children, you're not seeing infinity. is that right ?
that's a hard question, in fact I don't even know how to reply to it !
there you are, checkmated me !
it's like the alphabet, the letters and characters give rise to richness, but basically they are still or come to/into being by the exclusion of infinity !
it's like the alphabet, the letters and
characters give rise to richness, but basically they still come into being by the exclusion of infinity !
I think the problem is that inclusion or exclusion is not definite and matches categories we can think of, like most celibates seem to waste their time . .
I think the problem is that inclusion or exclusion is not definite and doesn't match categories we can think of, like for instance most celibates seem to waste their time . .
what i notice because i peruse reddit ‘ medical ” and “ askdocs ’ a lot is the exploding level of std's, jesus there's alot of clueless promiscuous women out there and some very dumb inexperienced guys or just optimistic ! :o)(
the 7th Patriarch's temple has “ NO MARRIED MEN ALLOWED ” written above it... what will we do about it?
I didn't say that and there's no temple, what I do say is to be torn between married with kids and what is essentially only really survivably done as celibacy is usually a disaster e.g. layman pang !
you look to have done well in your choice of life partner and it's working out well, sepehr I have more reservations about because he is physically fragile, like me
if you remain childless you exist in a sort of half way zone of celibacy and suburban life . . .
what can I say, we all get caught in halfway zones and that is part of the transparency between life and death . .
death is easier for sure, but we only come this way once, a pity to waste it ! :o)
the problem is that celibacy seeks its completion in the light of infinity, not in the illusion of couples and children !
you guys think you know what you are talking about but you don't !
zakaj the problem is that celibacy seeks its completion in the light of infinity, not in the illusion of couples and children !
you guys think you know what you are talking about but you don't !
the question is whether you remain childless or not, which is the female choice and is a completely different ball game !
I never chose not to be childless but I was always autistic enough to be removed from relationships with women, both I never quite believed in its supposed reality and was obviously damaged enough to give any woman thinking of partnership considerable reservations . .
I count myself fortunate in that respect, perhaps I am wrong, I don't know ! ... :o)(
well maybe I do know ! ... ! : o)
calcium phosphate deposits have a
causative role in age-related macular degeneration, this EDTA
study makes sense in the light of this new discovery !
“ AMD develops slowly over decades, with the buildup of fatty protein deposits in the retina, which cause damage by blocking the flow of nutrients into the light-sensitive portion of the eye, and of waste products out
the deposits appear to form around the tiny bits of calcium phosphate
once these chunks appear, the fatty protein material coalesces around it; over years, these globules build up ”
I guess I’ve been lucky to have had clear-eyed teachers
it all looks sane until you step back and ask “ should I even be doing this at all ’ ? and “ is this just a bunch of nuts who don't understand what they are on about ! ”
I studied with john loori and in the end the conclusion I came to was he was a sophisticated con artist with schizophrenia and I don't think seung sahn was sane either !
people can be sincere and partially informed, but that doesn't make them right !
in the old ch'an records you can see authentic celibate monks like joshu who with a life time's work got things sorted out somewhat, I don't know that they would claim
to be “ clear-eyed ” . .
I eat a lot of cooked fruit, just simmer until soft !
it reduces the vitamin C, just supplement with a very small amount !
cooked blueberries are very anti-microbiomic !
I eat a lot of cooked fruit, just simmer until soft !
it reduces the vitamin C, just supplement with a very small amount !
anybody over 40 has lived at least 8 more years than alexander the great which says something i think ! :o)
talent going in a straight line is fatal ! :o)
anybody over 40 has lived at least 8 more years than alexander the great which says something i think ! :o)
lorianne ,
I've done interviews with a wide range of ‘ traditions ” including toni packer and really regardless of the “ name ” they are just private conversations between someone overoptimistic as to expecting any real sense or attention from another person already blatted out from having done endless boring interviews that day . .
the reality of zen or what zen is about or any ‘ quality ’ mysticism like Emily dickinson is the same as literature actually, real understanding is so rare it's one per generation or of that order and the vast wash of the “ unwashed ’ just swamps everything/anything ? and really one is dependent in the final analysis not on one's contemporaries but the reading of the great souls who have left some sort of written record for us . .
the ants mill about in their nests with names, interviews, procedures, organizations thinking they are doing something and squash in their limited way any truer reality that dares to pop up its head !
it's sorta like you are sitting on the shore of a vast sea of your own error, i think everyone is like this but it's frightening to see it, things you thought were right weren't right . . .
it's sort of like you are sitting on the shore of a vast sea of your own error, i think everyone is like this but it's frightening to see it, things you thought were right weren't right . . .
i find this blog
disturbing ,
because having stayed/lived in Cambridge for a while, I suddenly got flipped back by the graffiti, I never noticed it much at the time but I think the area has its own ‘ style ’ ! :o)
I think the ‘ dokusan ” or zen interview is damaging, both to the teacher and recipient, it's way too intrusive into both lives for any sort of sanity, a sort of suburban idiocy, but that's what zen has degenerated to o o . . .
for the vast majority of people zen is always was and always progresses as a form of borderline personality aggrandizement and really it sends one literally batty to have contact with it !
50% fake which is it's usual implementation, (down to minus
1050% on reddit zen !) doesn't cut it
90% real is what it takes and actually that is celibacy for that sort of attention but then I look at stupids like
lorianne you will be tempted to remove this, my interview advice is “ don't ” : o()
excellent graffiti photos btw ! :o)
no tv show can equal this sort of thing [
I II III ] ! :o)(
america ! :o)
she (and her sister in law? ) were looking for pregnancy, even tho they don't understand their true motivations . .
men and relationships are secondary to the female need for children,
the OP strikes me as bit um . .
those brothers are not suitable breeding material in those sisters-in-law's judgment ?
no respect there ?
he has updated with post number 3 !
i wonder if he's using this public posting to drive a permanent wedge between them, he seems abit susceptible to reconciliation !
no tv show can equal this sort thing [
I II III ] ! :o)(
america ! :o)
she (and her sister in law? ) were looking for pregnancy, even tho they don't understand their motivations . .
men and relationships are secondary to the female need for children,
the OP strikes me as bit um . .
no tv show can equal this sort thing [
I II III ] ! :o)(
america ! :o)
she (and her sister in law? ) were looking for pregnancy, even tho they didn't understand it
men and relationships are secondary to the female need for children,
the OP strikes me as bit um . .
the most
skilled thing i have ever seen !
unfortunately the stresses on the skull and neck and spine are very damaging, it's just not worth it, plenty of other ways to get those bricks off !
genes can be like
knight moves in chess, one needs quite a broad spectrum of family looked at particularly the grandparents !
strong sun on the skin processes a lot of bilirubin !
“ There is evidence to suggest that people with gilbert's syndrome have delayed gastric
emptying ,
ie. the stomach take longer to empty whatever meal has been eaten. This would imply that people with gilbert's syndrome feel full early and tend to eat little and often. It also implies that if you do have a large meal, you may suffer from heartburn as the stomach is full for longer ”
you don't question your own crap do you ?
never go on warfarin if you can help it, it's really bad news, a delayed death sentence, you always get some ongoing haemorrhaging of the brain with it !
yeah I had migraines and acne, I think part of the problem with acne is the problematic bacteria are an infection that you can pick up !
topically applied food grade 35% hydrogen peroxide cleared the acne up, tho it is painful !
I never wash my face with soap, only rinse with warm water except when cleaning the grease off the areas I apply the 35% HP to !
you only need to apply the HP one to four times, then it clears up by itself within several days !
there is a bit of a learning curve to using it, pain and “ frothing ” on the skin, you will see !
the higher the concentration the better, by leaving a small amount in say a plastic bottle cap over a couple of days the water evaporates out preferentially making for a more intense hp solution !
you have to get 35% HP over the internet ,
it's not sold in pharmacies !
also you need to be careful about storage, it keeps almost forever in the freezer and doesn't freeze, but looks like a fizzy drink, but can kill you if you drink it, so as I say it needs to be treated with care like a poison !
it has numerous industrial, medical and cosmetic uses, but what you want is the food grade 35% !
interesting view of “ crystalline ”
versus “ fluid ” intelligence !
“ ‘ crystallized intelligence ’
which is gained through experience and accumulated knowledge, can be more important that ‘ fluid intelligence ’
the ability to think logically and process new information ”
we can metabolize alcohol (ethanol!) because 10 million years ago climate change dried up the subtropical miocene forests and forced our homonid ancestors onto the ground and to be able to eat feremented fruit in hard times strongly favoured an effective mutation of the gene for the adh4 enzyme !
a very well thought out and
executed piece of research by matthew carrigan !
the german pilot franz stigler was empathetic (5:10) and quite different to the usual !
religion, psychosis mixed with sanity !
! !
religion, psychosis mixed with sanity !
! !
religion, psychosis mixed with sanity !
religion, psychosis mixed with sanity
a true ‘ boy's own
story ’
lt. steve stevens dfc and lt. col. don tilly dso !
a true boy's own story
lt. steve
stevens dfc and lt. col. don tilly dso !
a true boy's own story
lt. steve stevens dfc and lt. col. don tilly dso !
there's not much original in this world “ paths of
hate ” (2010) was taken from the film “ the
german ” (2008)
whereas talking comes naturally, writing is necessarily a second language, and a journal gives writers a place to babble like toddlers, establishing a near-native fluency as we train ourselves to think on paper
one babbles and babbles and actually that makes the most sense ! :o)(
one babbles and babbles and actually that makes the most sense ! :o)(
It's actually more
powerful than the popular koans and I'm not saying this to flatter you
( perhaps it's because of translations; or simply because the popular koans were written for a totally different age/society, ancient China is nothing like modern world and our mindset is very different... So we need new koans? I say this one is a good candidate )
I get a psychosomatic tingling in my body upon reading it, reminds me of freezing cold, and shaking, or taking a bath as a child, and an uncanny deja vu from early childhood, or even a recurring dream from childhood, something I can't put my finger on, a pure feeling, an empty center around which I try to put some words to delineate it. But I fail, I can't describe it. An other scene, quite liberating, a premonition of a different reality which is much weirder, but free from all anxiety, however ultimately useless. A cold reality, I free-associate it with absence of people, absence of persons, personality, absence of me. I disappear in the cold, starry night. It's just there. Its “ just-being-there ” though has repercussions on this life here, it seems, like you say: disruptive, very hard to make sense of. Probably also need to be on a good diet to cultivate proper sharpness of mind
Anyway, thank you for building these bridges to infinity !
“ It's actually more powerful than the popular koans and I'm not saying this to flatter you ”
having a negative opinion of huang po, I was surprised to come across this quote of his in the chun chou record
“ That which is called the City of Illusion contains the Two Vehicles, the Ten Stages of a Bodhisattva's Progress, and the two forms of Full Enlightenment. All of them are powerful teachings for arousing people's interest, but they still belong to the City of Illusion.
Yet since there are neither Buddha nor sentient beings, neither subject nor object, where can there be a City of Precious Things? If you ask, 'Well, so much for the City of Illusion, but where is the Place of Precious Things?', it is a place to which no directions can be given.
All we can say is that it is close by. It cannot be exactly described, but when you have a tacit understanding of its substance, it is there ”
this “ city of precious things ” is that same space, sort of frightening to us because of its association with death and the transparency of non-existence/existance that some of us find ourselves caught up in . .
i am fortunately or unfortunately
typical of me !
i am unfortunately or fortunately typical of me !
i am unfortunately typical of me !
. .
i am unfortunately typical of me ! :o)
eileen writes
Lol How typical of you Andrew
i am fortunately or unfortunately typical of me !
eileen writes
Lol How typical of you Andrew
i am fortunately and unfortunately typical of me !
eileen writes
Lol How typical of you Andrew
i am unfortunately typical of me !
i am unfortunately typical of me !
i am unfortunately typical of me
judging from some court cases, it's a barely suppressed instinct !
effective problem solving for health issues is hard, the human brain
is not designed /blinded to maintaining any coherency !
telling oneself ineffective and tangled stories however it is good at !
i can't help it
everyone !
i can't help it ,
i hurt everyone !
i can't help it, i hurt everyone !
i can't help it, i hurt everyone !
i can't help it, i hurt everyone !
i can't help it, i hurt everyone
children are a great stabilizing infuence in a marriage/relationship _ . _
“ the data that show
animosity exhibited during PMS is preferentially directed at current partners ”
children are a great stabilizing infuence in a marriage/relationship _ . _
life is just a long process of finding out how wrong we can be about something !
life is just a long process of finding out how wrong we can be about something
life is just this long process of discovering out how wrong we can be about something !!
life is just this long process of discovering out how wrong we can be about something !! : o (
life is just this long process of discovering out how wrong we can be about something !!
life is just this long process of finding out how wrong we can be about something !!
life is just this long process of finding out how wrong we can be about something
well my health started to collapse and it has taken me thirteen years to work supplements and diet through, most people get it way wrong . .
way way way wrong . .
you try and tell them but they don't want to know . .
if your health condition is genetic or developmental then it's multifactorial which means you have to try things and see what works
people really have issues understanding you can't proxy this onto medicine !
woman really makes me question the value of convents, a lot of malign tangled complexity to (just !) avoid having children !
what stalin and hitler didn't (and never!) understood was ‘ strategic retreat ’ meant you keep your strength to fight another day !
actually i don't feel that herman goering was a committed anti-semite giving his upbringing, but rather a political opportunist !
hitler of course married a woman of jewish descent and had children by her ! . .
another thing about about the nazi anti-semitism is the degree to which it was constructed, a fading wave in the face of urbanization that was amplified and swelled into a tsunami of total destruction !
both germany and russia were extraordinarily penalized by having dictators, germany by the destruction of its middle class and russia by the killing and gulagization of its scientific and military intellegenisa and people with experience !
haushofer describes the increasing distance between a daughter and her mother as a
wall between them that cannot be broken though easily
oddly enough it could be a remake of section 115 of the
tsuregusa of yoshida kenkō
“ settling it thus, both men went down together to the river bed and fought and ran each other through in their quest for honour, until they both died ”
“ though they (ed. mendicant priests) are unruly and unprincipled in their behavior, their contempt for death and utter detachment from life is appealing ! ”
advice on losing weight from some-one who can't put weight on !
a different perspective, but from experience I can tell you what loses weight !
1. having an active thyroid, you put a drop of
iodine tincture on the underside of wrist and see what happens !
2. an overall reduction in the amount of food eaten, seems obvious, but the scd and bcd dietary approach is the way to go in terms of the qualitative aspect !
3. a bit of strong sun exposure/vitamin D
2. vinegar inhibits a carbohydrate digesting enzyme
4. I think one of the traps of dieting is the metabolism slows down so you have to keep the metabolism and level of activity up !
5. surgery creates other problems, to be avoided
7. once you get very heavy, the issue is not losing weight which as I say is not that difficult if you do it right, but whether the skin shrinks back, which if it doesn't , in some will need an operation !
obesity is actually a form of malnutrition of essential and trace elements !
i write
a moonlit night just hanging there
reading this one I got a mini-vision that lasted for a split second
thanx for telling me that, it's hard to know what works and what doesn't, I did have a feeling that one was on the nail !
you had a sort of kensho, that's all zen is about really, it's like you walked into infinity and carried a memory back out of that “foreverness”
“ the transmission outside of the scriptures ”
these experiences take a lifetime to work out . .
there's an awful lot that comes with them, a heft of understanding that starts to alienate and remove you from the morons eg reddit zen . .
so “ enlightenment ” is this process of these insights, doesn't happen very often and when it does it is surprising and you have to work it in and through like taking a gold thread through some weaving or sewing
it's very disrupting and also an indication your life and health are falling apart, attention is needed in a functional way to these areas . . ! :o()
white roses in the moonlight, sorta transparent condition !
white roses in the moonlight, sort of a transparent condition !
white roses in the moonlight, sorta transparent condition
white roses in the moonlight, sort of a transparent condition
léon theremin/lev sergeyevich termen
, multi
talented and extremely long lived considering his five month stint in
butyrka prison, then kolyma and lastly fortunately for him, a sharashka
the problem with war is the very disproportionate number of able and healthy young men killed and for what ?
80% of 18 year old russian men at the beginning of the german invasion of russia where dead by the end of the war in 1945 !
the problem with war is the very disproportionate number of able and healthy young men killed and for what ?
days !
. .
the problem with war is the very disproportionate number of able and healthy young men killed and for what ?
days !
life's rough berths, some get them, some don't !
. .
all the opponents dice throws are just endless double sixes! :o(
life's rough berths, some get them, some don't ! :o(
all the opponents dice throws are just endless double sixes! :o(
gesshin, what amazes me is how you can be so
screwed up about zen for a celibate, but actually most celibates in religion seem way more clueless about what mysticism really is than any amount of the attention available to celibates/celibacy usefully applied should yield !
“ how do you act at a party ? ”
the problem is you have gone to a party ! :o)(
. .
“ how do you act at a party ? ”
the problem is you have gone to a party ! :o)(
“ how do you act at a party ? ”
the problem is you have gone to a party !
what's striking about edgar allen poe is the originality of his genius
it's depressing to look at the way he and others like blake and van gogh were treated in their lives and ALL THE MONEY made off their work after they died !
modern life is the enshrinement of the mediocre a n d m e n t a l l y
d u l l
what's striking about edgar allen poe is the originality of his genius
it's depressing to look at the way he and others like blake and van gogh were treated in their lives and ALL THE MONEY made off their work after they died !
modern life is the enshrinement of the mediocre a n d m e n t a l l y d u l l
I am absolutely amazed how good this
book is
a fascinating read about life in 14th century japan and a very wry look at life then !
I am absolutely amazed how good this
book is
a fascinating reading about life in 14th century japan and a very wry look at life then !
life's rough berths, some get them, some don't !
. .
life's rough berth berths, some get them, some don't ! :o(
life's rough berths, some get them, some don't ! :o(
she was exceedingly jealous
life was a nightmare of her projected anxiety . .
i am a faithful stick in mud sort of guy and did alot for her . .
break up
what does she do
take as a lover a man who has several “girlfriends”
it's the thought of all those wasted years that hurts me ! . .
all the opponents dice throws are just endless double sixes !
. .
she was exceedingly jealous
life was a nightmare of her projected anxiety . .
i am a faithful stick in mud sort of guy and did alot for her . .
break up
what does she do
take as a lover a man who has several “girlfriends”
it's the thought of all those wasted years that hurts me ! . .
all the opponents dice throws are just endless double sixes! :o(
while the pope twiddles his thumbs trying
to reform the catholic church
richard carrier is
sounding the trumpets
bringing the walls of jericho crushing down !
the most significant theological debate that ever was . .
the walls of Jericho fell ! .. !
“ are you going to
waste a bullet ? ”
38 : 36
“ Not a train
engineer ,
but once as a kid (13-14) I was forgotten at a skating rink lock-in. About 8 am the owner said that she had to go so I took off walking towards home. It was about twelve miles away. After about a mile, I knew I could get on the tracks and it would take me right in front of my house. I was walking when I heard a train was coming in the distance. I moved off about 30 ft, as it approached, to the side away from the tracks. I witnessed a dog walk up to the tracks and lay its head flat on one of the tracks. As the train was getting closer I called for the dog. I was about 50 ft away. It did not respond. I am sure the conductor did not see it but it severed the dogs head away from the body. I was totally freaked out. I cried for about an hour. Then I decided to bury the dog with the rocks beside the tracks. I still had about three hours before I would arrive home walking. I thought for a moment that this was this was a sign that I should do the same. As I walked, I came to the conclusion that I witnessed this so I would not ever take my own life. Since it was very disturbing to those left to witness. I've told this story to others since and onetime a vet tech told me that the dog must have known it was sick. When I got home and the others woke up, I told them about what I had witnessed and they accused me of making it up since they forgot me. It stuck with me for a long time ”
the only person i ever threaten is myself, as i put my foot in another pile of shit !
. .
the only person i ever threaten is myself, as i put my foot in another pile of shit !
. .
the only person i ever threaten is myself, as i put my foot in another pile of shit ! : o )
the only person i ever threaten is myself, as i put my foot in another pile of shit !
the only person i ever threaten is myself, as i put my foot in another pile of shit
for your interest and as an example of a
changing world
you got a thread on the notorious reddit zen ! :o)
a blog is one extreme where you basically have a friendly sympathetic audience, reddit zen is another where everyman and his aggressive hubris is an equal ! :o)
the history of zen is not benign, there's a possibility that bodhidharma was executed at heyin and huike appears to have been poisoned or executed as well and I was just reading up on the constant
warfare of a bit after dogen's death, rather like chess really, everyone resigns when they lose by committing harakiri, saves messy massacres I guess ! :o)
dogen in some respects had a bit of a charmed life being an extremely well placed by birth member of the most powerful and functional clan in kyoto (the minamoto)
anyway, what I am saying is taking a public position in zen is a rougher and potentially more dangerous road than the comfort of a suburban life might indicate !
why be angry at me, I am just trying to help, this sort of thing should be a reasoned discussion !
skulla_ writes
I've been pooping multiple times a day and have horrible abdominal pain
Age: 19 Sex: female Height: 5'6" Weight: 102 lbs. Race: Caucasian Duration: About 5-6 months I have no medical issues that I'm aware of, and the only drugs I take are probiotics.
I've been having really bad cramp-like pains for hours at a time, multiple times a day. It's not debilitating, but it gets in the way of everyday life. I usually poop 3-5 times a day, but sometimes it's over 10 times. The pain sometimes stops after a bowel movement, sometimes it gets worse and I need to go again in a few minutes. It's rarely solid, usually ranging from diarrhea to fluffy looking. It's been probably a month since I had a solid movement
I have a very healthy diet, but the only dairy I have is cream in my coffee
I've tried giving up coffee, but it doesn't change anything. I went 5 weeks without it and it was just as bad as ever :/
I've been drinking it since I was three, though. I suspect it could be from smoking, because I often have to shit when I have a cigarette. But I don't want to quit.
ah well you'll find out the hard way (ed. accused me of spamming her !) about IBS, having had similar I thought i'd take the time to try to help !
your response is not unusual people don't like to hear that medicine is of no help with this problem !
that a lot of the publically accepted advice is worse that useless !
skulla_ replies
you don't even fucking know if I have ibs
my reply
why be angry at me, I am just trying to help, this sort of thing should be a reasoned discussion !
your aggression and “not wanting to know” is part of the neural constraining of your digestive issues ! :o(
basically your brain is starving and putting you in a nonfunctional space ! :o(
ah well you'll find out the hard way about IBS, having had similar I thought i'd take the time to try to help !
your response is not unusual people don't like to hear that medicine is of no help with this problem !
that a lot of the publically accepted advice is worse that useless !